The Elder Scrolls 6 has huge shoes to fill, and will need to walk the line between satisfying player expectations and becoming too predictable. However, for the Sinistral Elves to be yet another lost sub-race of elf, and the fact that they are seemingly only physically distinguished from the others by being lefthanded could mean that a focus on them in The Elder Scrolls 6 would feel too similar to Skyrim to provide the fresh and exciting experience that many new fans of the series felt exploring the Nord homeland for the first time back in 2011. This kind of environmental storytelling works very well in The Elder Scrolls series. The Dwemer and the Snow Elves were both Elven races in Skyrim where the player learned about their history through their environment and exploring ruins. However, there’s one big problem with Bethesda putting players in a province where, under the surface, they can learn about an extinct race of Elves – it’s been done before. RELATED: Avowed Has One Big Disadvantage Because of The Elder Scrolls 6 It is likely that some Redguards’ old hatred of the Elves will have been revitalized by the Altmer, while others will be fearful to repeat the mistakes of the past. The southern part of the province was given to the Dominion and the Redguard, who felt abandoned by the Empire, fought a bloody guerrilla war. Skyrim saw the encroach of the Third Aldmeri Dominion into Skyrim, but Hammerfell had it even worse in Tamriel’s recent history. This history could have very interesting implications for The Elder Scrolls 6. The Yokudans, the forebears to the Redguards, exterminated all of the Elven settlements in Hammerfell upon arriving, committing atrocities that led their descendants to stop speaking of them entirely. The Yokudan-Sinistral War ended in decisive defeat for the Elves, and the few of them that survived are implied to have died when the continent sank into the sea after the Redguard arrived on Tamriel. Unlike the Redguarsw, the Lefthanded Elves never made it to Tamriel, but the echoes of their constant warring remains an important culture memory for the Redguards, and has driven many of their actions on Tamriel. The Lefthanded Elves came from the western continent of Yokuda, the same place that the Redguards themselves originally hailed from before their swift conquest of Hammerfell.